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Almost eleven, long weeks have passed (depending on when you are reading this) since the German messiah took over the helm at Liverpool Football Club. The answer to all our problems, the quick fix for Brendan Rodgers’ mess and the saviour of Anfield. It all began so well. Performances rose quite a few notches and the euphoria of a new manager was palpable among the rejuvenated fan base. Thrashing the likes of Chelsea, Manchester City and Southampton in their back yards only fuelled that euphoria. We were going to win the league! It was the fairytale marriage everyone had been yearning for. Jurgen Klopp to Liverpool; an emotional man for a club that prided itself on its passion and ardour. His infectious enthusiasm perfectly matched the clubs fanatical fan base. His behaviour mimics that of a fan rather than a manager, manifesting itself with four foot jumps in the air when goals are scored and almost mental reactions when things don’t go to plan. Remember the psychotic face when he argued with Tony Pulis and company? Scary stuff. Wouldn’t want to cross an angry Jurgen in a dark alley. Joking aside, (as if) Klopp was lauded by many to grab Liverpool from the doldrums of despair and elevate the club to a long forgotten status at the top of English football. So, the question stands; why the hell aren’t we top of the league? Because that’s what he was meant to do, wasn’t it?

Quick Fix Klopp

Win every match in his first season with an inherited team of mostly overpriced average players? In a league he has never experienced before? With opposition he knows nothing about? No? What? You mean he needs time? What an odd concept.

Let me get this straight. What you’re saying is that there will be bumps along the road when he takes on this journey at Liverpool? I see. But I thought his appointment was meant to solve all problems on and off the pitch instantly, whilst simultaneously finding a cure for AIDS, a solution to the Middle East conflict and win the fight against ISIS. I don’t think my expectations were at all unreasonable but I sense you MAY have a point although I’m not wholly convinced. Yet.

I am also hearing something along the lines of Klopp having to work with another mans tools. No pun intended. It’s a daft thought but I’m willing to give you all a little latitude. A VERY LITTLE latitude. You mean to say that none of the players in the current team are Klopp’s players but questionable Brendan purchases. Agreed. However, can’t Klopp sprinkle some magic fairy dust over these players and have them turn into world beaters overnight? That’s what happens in all the movies; new guy comes in, the team starts winning and winning and winning, unemployment goes down and we all live happily ever after. Ok. I’m actually beginning to feel sick that I might have got this all wrong. But there’s more.

Some of you are even having the audacity to suggest that Klopp may need a few transfer windows to build his own team. A FEW?! Shouldn’t the January window be enough? Surely, he should be able to buy all the players he wants then with all the bottomless pit of money FSG provide for him and still win the league in May. A realistic outlook on things, I’m sure you’ll agree. All this talk of top quality players being unavailable in January is just fucking bananas. Bring in the reinforcements, whatever the cost, and the sky’s the limit. He will lead us back to glory in a world record shortest space of time.

There’s also crazy talk of Klopp having to adjust to a new league. He’s a manager not a player! They don’t need to adjust as players might do. He should know all English opposition teams inside out in the few months he has been here and be able to plan ahead for the packed fixture schedule. What does it matter that they play less games in Germany? All leagues in the world are the same and managing in the Premier League should be no different to the Bundesliga. It’s not like they have a month long winter break to plan around or anything there…
Bloody cheek.

Lastly, let’s just spare a thought for poor old Brendan Rodgers, while we’re at it. As recent poor performances have shown, it was clearly the players who were at fault. Players that bought themselves in three years worth of transfer windows and demanded excessive fees be paid for their average arses. Players that begged to be played out of position. Players that evidently blackmailed their way into the starting line up when they were tripping over themselves trying to play football. Rodgers obviously didn’t get the time he needed so why should we afford Jurgen Klopp that luxury. Hypocrites, the lot of you! Results now, God damn it! Now!

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