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I’m not the biggest American Football fan, but can appreciate and enjoy various facets of the game. For me, it’s very much like my casual viewing of the NBA, where I can watch the odd game without the fear of emotion engulfing me. The same cannot be said of my allegiance to Liverpool FC. This recent period (under Klopp) has perhaps spoiled us, but it’s still a viable question as to whether we have overachieved or perhaps underachieved in this era. The boys have of course been superb, but it’s the underspending nature of our owners that leave us all thinking, what if…

There’s a welcome game of football on the horizon, that can allow all things Liverpool a little moment away from the troublesome Premier League. The Champions League survived a Super League shaped coup d’état (for now), and its famous anthem can continue to engulf our living rooms for another season. This competition is probably corrupt, often infuriating, but nonetheless addictive to its core. Liverpool travel to Italy this Wednesday, and Napoli are once again an adversary within the reds opening group.

I mentioned the NFL bit, purely because of the effect Anfield can emit when occupied under the famous lights. I’m a huge sports movie fan, and Friday Night Lights remains a film I’m happy to rewatch every now and again. The fascinations with American Football within certain states is often times fanatical, and both the film and later the TV show were able to portray the importance of a teams fanbase. Entire US towns become consumed by fandom, and the energy of the sport is intensified by the overwhelming support. Friday Nights Lights shows every high and low within its extraordinary sport, and shows just how intoxicating team allegiance can be. For us Liverpool fans, we need to put aside our trouble and maintain our support, and support our players overseas.

However we view the performances of either the players or coaches of Liverpool this season, it is a fact that European nights can still be explosive. I literally have no clue as to how we will perform, and that is a huge worry. But what I do know is that the Reds’ revival is inevitable, and it could just be a huge away performance that kick starts our campaign. Thiago Alcantara was seen training this week, and I hope the players will give this genius player the welcome back he richly deserves.

Champions League football once more returns, and a Wednesday night occasion under the lights is something we simply have to get behind, as we’re all in this moment together. Let’s not make our mantra mere words, let’s make it a call to arms that can see our team soar once more. 

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