Why Liverpool Should Court Courtois in a Chelsea Fire-Sale

Chelsea fans have had quite a storm blowing their way over the last few months, haven't they? A manager in disarray over his future after coming nowhere near to defending his league title and an owner refused a visa to the country that his club operates in. An FA Cup win managed to push the storm...

A New Goalkeeper or Bust for Liverpool?

First choice Liverpool 'keeper misses a game and his understudy fails to perform in his absence. Strong sense of Deja vu here isn't there? December 2014, Brendan Rodgers "indefinitely" drops Simon Mignolet after a string of errors and is replaced by Brad Jones. The Australian comes into the side and aids United as they defeat...

Should Liverpool Replace Simon Mignolet?

The average sandwich Liverpool have many recurring problems that previous management failed to address. As a team we're grossly misbalanced. Many frailties have been overlooked. We're buying potential and not supporting them with talented players, instead we're heaping the pressure on their shoulders and asking them to do something special. Average, functional players sandwiched in-between...